Quilling is the art of creating little rolls from delicate strips of paper and shaping them into intricate designs. The art of Quilling dates back some 500 years ago. Basically, the quilling process consists of cutting strips of paper, and rolling them with a special tool.
I am from ORISSA on seeing your web page, very much pleased and every one is interesting. Please continue your web page and give us pleasure always. Thanking you, P.Mohan Rao
Very nice!!!
dey are superb......i became a great fan of the person who made this.....thnkx for sharing dis amazing piece of work wid all of us....
amazing art... the creation are really awsum.....
very beautiful .. yr art is so lively and colourful .keep it up .
wow! im totally in love! its amazing!! i wud gv nething to learn tht seriously!!!
Its woooooonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... especially the hand looks amazing..
Keep up the good work..
Dear Maruti Garu,
I am from ORISSA on seeing your web page, very much pleased and every one is interesting. Please continue your web page and give us pleasure always.
Thanking you,
P.Mohan Rao
it'z jst stunning work....
Thanks a lot Mohan garu!! I will do that !!
its wonderful ..............thanks a lot for sharing this art...
will u teach me??
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